For example, in my recent game it made sense for a character to return to his temple so I quickly went through the story of him returning to his temple and finding it in ruins. As I think about other plot elements and story lines I think this is a useful method. For example, having a point in the adventure where the characters spend several years doing something. For example they join a war that lasts many years. In a story there would be some overall plot statements and then focus on some specific scenes like a memorable mission.
This is a good way to also handle the party splitting up. Quickly gloss over the time apart. For example, 'You return to your people triumphant and are hailed as a hero. You take great pride in your accomplishments and you begin to settle down to a normal life. Every day is another day between you and your adventure. Your story is told less frequently over the months and years and you yourself begin to grow restless with a calm life and yearn to fight for your life against insane odds. Given this you welcome a message from an old friend and eagerly accept a plan to meet him at an old tavern full of memories.'